Back To Work After the Holidays

This Monday, we are all back to work after the holidays! And we all know that this is the weirdest work week of the year.  It’s hard to know what to do in this limbo between Christmas and the New Year. No one wants to start any new projects before the new year but, you still need to get stuff done.

Instead of having a week full of busywork, take a look back on the progress your business made this year and look forward to setting goals for 2022!


Looking back on 2021 may seem overwhelming at first. Auditing each and every part of your business is a large task. But, since this is a relatively uneventful week for most businesses, it’s the perfect time of year to conduct these unbiased examinations and evaluations. Break up all of your tasks over this week so the work is less daunting! 

There is a lot to be done. Run your financial report to put together a profit and loss statement. Take inventory of your goods and reevaluate your fulfillment process. Evaluate your website and social media presence. And most importantly, make a list of all that your business accomplished this past year!

Set New Goals

Every new year we set new high-flying goals for ourselves. But we also all know how easy and common it is to fall back into old patterns with ourselves and, the same is true for businesses. To create goals that your business is more likely to complete, base them on the progress and setbacks you had in this past year.

Create realistic and achievable goals for your business and watch yourself meet them. To make each high-level goal seem more attainable, break them down into steps to take every month and week. That way you do not get overwhelmed by only looking to the big goal. 

So, as this week in holiday limbo starts, take a look back and look towards the future. Finish the year strong by knowing exactly where you’ve been and where you’re going next year!